The Phantom Carriage

The Phantom Carriage

10.5. 18:10
Film Europe
115 minutes
Sweden Drama / Mysterious

Based on a Selma Lagerlöf novel, the vagabond David tells stories about the coachman of Death who drives through the world gathering up souls of the dead. During a drunken brawl, David is struck by a bottle and as the clock strikes midnight, a carriage glides up and out of the mist. In flashback, David recalls how he was once a reliable worker and conscientious father until the demon alcohol led him down the path to prison while his wife and two small daughters became destitute.

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About show

Sweden Drama / Mysterious

Based on a Selma Lagerlöf novel, the vagabond David tells stories about the coachman of Death who drives through the world gathering up souls of the dead. During a drunken brawl, David is struck by a bottle and as the clock strikes midnight, a carriage glides up and out of the mist. In flashback, David recalls how he was once a reliable worker and conscientious father until the demon alcohol led him down the path to prison while his wife and two small daughters became destitute.


Sjöström Victor


Astrid Holm, Sjöström Victor, Hilda Borgström, Tore Svennberg